6 July 2024
2 year ago
Taiwan: 39 Chinese military aircraft violated our airspace
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:30 PLA aircrafts (KJ-500 AEW&C*2, Y-8 ELINT*4, Y-8 EW*1, Y-8 ASW*1, J-16*6, J-11*8, J-10*4, SU-35*2, and SU-30*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 30, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:5 PLA aircrafts (SU-30*4 and Y-8 ASW*1) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 29, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:7 PLA aircrafts (SU-30 and J-16*6) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 28, 2022
Beijing: Blinken's speech on China's threat to international order a 'discredit'
China "intends to become a top-tier fighting force with global reach" and the "world's leading power," according to @SecBlinken
"China is the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order – and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it," says @SecBlinken
In address to @AsiaSociety, @SecBlinken "we must defend and reform the rules-based international order
US-China-Taiwan: @StateDeptSpox Price says @SecBlinken is set to deliver a major speech on Thursday on US policy towards China. Price says the next 10 years will be decisive in the competition between Washington and Beijing
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircrafts (J-10*2 and J-16*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 25, 2022
China announced on military drills near Taiwan, says its a warning to the US
On Biden and Taiwan, a source familiar with the president's thinking tells there is *no* new US-Taiwan policy. When the president said the US would intervene "militarily", he meant providing weapons, not deploying US forces - consistent with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA Y-8 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 23, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 21, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:14 PLA aircraft (KJ-500 AEW&C, Y-8 EW, H-6*3, J-16*5 and J-11*4) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 20, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:7 PLA aircrafts (Y-8 EW, H-6, J-16*4, and SU-30) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 19, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft (Y-8 RECCE, Y-8 EW and J-16*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 18, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA Y-8 RECCE entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 17, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan's Navy confirmed Tuesday that a second warship has been hit by a COVID19 outbreak within a week but insisted that the outbreak would not affect the vessel's combat readiness
Authorities: Gunman in deadly attack at California church was Chinese immigrant motivated by hate for Taiwanese
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA Z-9 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 15, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA KA-28 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 13, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA KA-28 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 11, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:3 PLA aircraft (WZ-10 Attack and KA-28 ASW*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 10, 2022
The U.S. State Department updates the U.S.-Taiwan relations webpage, no longer mentioning "Taiwan is part of China" and "The U.S. does not support Taiwan independence"
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA KA-28 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 9, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:2 PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW and KA-28 ASW) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 8, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:5 PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW, KJ-500 AEW&C, H-6*2 and Y-8 EW) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 7, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:18 PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW, KJ-500 AEW&C*2, H-6*2, J-11*6, Y-8 EW and J-16*6) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 6, 2022
2 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:6 PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW, KJ-500 AEW&C, H-6*2, KA-28 ASW and Y-8 EW) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 5, 2022