3 أكتوبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
الصين: العمليات العسكرية التي تبدأ الليلة حول تايوان تشمل تدريبات بحرية وجوية وإطلاق نيران مدفعية بعيدة المدى في مضيق تايوان وتجارب صاروخية
2 سنة منذ
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:21 PLA aircraft (J-11*8, J-16*10, KJ-500 AEW&C, Y-9 EW and Y-8 ELINT) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on August 2, 2022
2 سنة منذ
الجيش الصيني سيجري مناورات بالذخيرة الحية قبالة السواحل الشرقية لـ تايوان
2 سنة منذ
China vows 'targeted military actions' in response to Pelosi Taiwan visit
China just announced live-fire exercises surrounding Taiwan between Thursday and Sunday, requesting ships and flights avoid these areas2 سنة منذ
China just announced live-fire exercises surrounding Taiwan between Thursday and Sunday, requesting ships and flights avoid these areas
2 سنة منذ
.@MoNDefense spokesperson Li-Fang Sun just confirmed to me that "no Su-35 has crossed the Taiwan Strait", but acknowledged that other types of PLA aircrafts did. The Defence Ministry is currently handling the situation
2 سنة منذ
US Speaker Nancy Pelosi has landed in Taiwan in first such visit since 1997, against China's threats and escalation. Landing was at 22:44 local
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رويترز عن مصدر مطلع: طائرات حربية صينية حلقت قرب من خط الوسط لمضيق تايوان صباح اليوم
البيت الأبيض يقول المتحدث بيلوسي لم يؤكد أي خطط سفر إلى تايوان
No need for China to turn this "into a crisis or conflict," says @WHNSC spokesman Kirby
On Taiwan, Kirby says @SpeakerPelosi has the right to make her own decisions on a Taiwan trip, notes that a speaker of the House has visited Taipei before "without incident," as have many members of Congress
البيت الأبيض يؤكد أن السياسة الأميركية تجاه تايوان لم تتغير
Kirby says China could fire missile into the Taiwan Strait if @SpeakerPelosi visits the island democracy
مجلس الأمن القومي الأميركي: بيلوسي وحدها من تقرر زيارة تايوان من عدمها
2 سنة منذ
الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة يحذر البشرية من أن "خطأ في تقدير بعيد عن الإبادة النووية"
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US Speaker Pelosi will visit Taiwan on Tuesday and will spend the night in Taipei: Taiwan media, citing unnamed sources
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الدفاع التايوانية: 4 مقاتلات صينية اخترقت المجال الجوي للجزيرة
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الدفاع التايوانية: رفع حالة التأهب القصوى استعدادا لزيارة بيلوسي
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA J-16 entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on August 1, 2022
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الخارجية الصينية: العسكريون الصينيون لن يجلسوا مكتوفي الأيدي إن زارت بيلوسي تايوان
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:1 PLA Y-8 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 30, 2022
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:1 PLA Y-8 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 29, 2022
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:3 PLA aircraft (Y-8 RECCE and JH-7*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 28, 2022
Bloomberg: Biden told reporters last week that the US military didn't think Pelosi's trip was a good idea. But lawmakers in both parties are encouraging Pelosi to make the stop in Taiwan, saying not doing so following China's protestations would amount to acquiescing to Beijing
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:3 PLA aircraft (Y-8 RECCE and JH-7*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 27, 2022
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:3 PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW and JH-7*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 26, 2022
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:2 PLA aircraft (Y-8 RECCE and J-11) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 25, 2022
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW, J-16*2 and Y-8 RECCE) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 24, 2022
2 سنة منذ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 83 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan
2 سنة منذ
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft (Y-8RECCE, Y-8 ASW and J-16*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on July 23, 2022